Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs in more detail.   As we are often out on site, I may not be able to respond immediately, but will get back to you as soon as possible.


‘We were about to give up on the original Victorian tiled floor we found when restoring our house on the South Side of Glasgow. It was in a terrible state, with large holes and broken tiles everywhere, and more than one restorer told us it was too much work and that nothing could be done. But when a friend in Belfast recommended Julie, it was clear that she was prepared to go the extra mile to try to fix it. It was a very tricky job and we were amazed that the floor ended up looking as good as it did: Julie sourced and cut new tiles as near-exact matches for the originals, and now that everything is installed and repaired, you can’t see where the originals end and the restored sections begin. Julie and her team worked really hard and were obliging about fitting in round our family life and keeping disruption to a minimum. We are delighted that we were able to keep this fantastic feature of our house. It was worth every penny.’

All the best,